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Do you remember the last time you woke feeling calm, energised and in control of your life?

That indescribable feeling of ease - waking each morning feeling energised and rested. Your mind feeling clear and peaceful, and your heart feeling calm and light. Feeling a sense of hopefulness and that all is well. 


If this feels out of reach right now, I'm here to remind you that your sufferances are not insurmountable. Life force energy knows no bounds and is not discriminate. Sometimes you just need to be willing to dive a little deeper to get to where you want to go.

On the path to healing, life can be filled with twists and turns - one day feeling that you’ve finally broken through and made real progress, and the next - feeling as though you are back to square one.

The truth is, not all roadmaps are meant for you. 

Your healing journey is as unique as your fingerprint, so when following someone else's roadmap, you may not achieve the same results.


On this path, progress is often mistaken for failing or going backwards, but those stronger feelings are always a sign that you are accessing the deeper layers that are ready to heal.


Your body hosts a library of cellular records that require specific applications of care. These are exclusive to you and are based on your energetic framework. 


So when we can tap into your unique healing blueprint, it is possible to find resonant methods that will be successful in clearing the roadblocks to your highest wellbeing. 



A Private Energy Session is for you if...

☑︎ You have attended multiple modalities or sessions and are not seeing the results. You feel you have tried everything.


☑︎ Are experiencing recurring symptoms and cannot find answers. Even after making the necessary changes in your life.


☑︎ Your medical tests return as inconclusive, or after diagnosis and treatment, you aren't feeling as though you've made much progress.


☑︎ You are ready to go deeper, are willing to follow recommendations and take responsibility for your role in this journey.


☑︎ You are open to trusting intuitive processes and considering spiritual aspects that may be impacting your progress.


A Private Energy Session is not for you if...

⤬ You attend regular sessions and try new modalities, but are not committed to doing the deeper work.


⤬ Have received answers or diagnosis, but are not willing to follow medical advice or your treatment plan.


⤬ You are looking for someone to fix you, rather than being open to working together to achieve your healing goals.


⤬ You are unwilling to make the necessary changes or participate in processes that are key in improving your welbeing.


⤬ You don't want to investigate more deeply into your situation, or find out why your wellbeing has declined. You are closed off from spirituality. 


A Private Energy Session provides a deeper exploration of your specific energy system through the lens of medical intuition and spiritual attunement. 

Private Energy Sessions are an immersive experience derived from my years in service as an international energy healer, medical intuitive and spiritual channel.


Moving beyond traditional energy healings, these signature sessions focus on the root cause of conditions from the cellular level, and can provide much needed hope and answers on the quest for healing.


My unique approach bridges the conventional, energetic and intuitive to enable a deeper investigation into disharmony and disease. Through this process, greater clarity about your current wellbeing set-point and unique healing blueprint can be determined.


The key touch points of a Private Energy Session are:

  • Determining where you currently - energetically, mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. 

  • Clearing and stabilising your energetic frequencies through energy healing.

  • Exploring potential root causes of symptoms/disharmony through intuitive investigation.

  • Implementing an immediate self-care plan to hold and integrate your healing.

  • High touch support and guidance to ensure your progress.

The Healing : What to Expect.

During the energy healing component of your session, you can expect to feel a deep sense of relaxation as universal life force energy clears energetic blockages and adjusts imbalances within your energy field.


You may feel various sensations during the healing, such as deep relaxation, warmth, tingling, or emotional releases. Some clients report a profound sense of calm and relief from physical or emotional discomfort.



The Process.

Person on laptop from above

​Step 1. Book Your Session

After selecting your preferred day and session time, you will be taken to an intake form to fill out as part of your booking. 

Yoga at Home

Step 2. Prepare For Your Healing

Your booking confirmation email contains instructions for you to follow to prepare for your healing, as well as a link for your pre-session call.

Woman Enjoying a Cup of Coffee

Step 3. Post-Session After Care

After your session, you will receive a report of findings, care plan and attend a follow up call at 4 weeks post-session to track your progress.


Start Booking

The Booking Process: 

・A 15 min pre-session intake call via Zoom.

・Detailed preparation instructions.

・Support resources for your healing.

・Post-session aftercare guide.

・1 x distance energy healing (approx. 2 hrs).

・1 x review and written report of findings (2hrs).

・A custom aftercare plan. 

・A 30 min follow up call at 4 weeks via Zoom

・4 weeks unlimited email & What's App support

    (during business hours).


*Please note: These inclusions are provided over a 4 week period from the date of your booking.



  1. Click the 'Book Now' button below to visit the private Energy Sessions list. 

  2. After selecting your session type, you will be taken to my calendar and availability to choose a suitable date and time.

  3. Complete the intake form and finalise your booking by making payment.

  4. Upon confirmation, you will receive an email providing healing preparation instructions and Zoom link for your pre-session call.


What makes my approach unique?

​My focus is on finding resolution. These sessions delve deeply into your specific energy framework and healing blueprint to reveal any obstacles and to determine your next best steps.

Investigating the gap between conventional and traditional medicine. For almost ten years I have worked with treating professionals and alternative therapists to uncover key healing factors that may not have surfaced during treatment.


Providing relief and a custom plan to move you forward. The potency of these sessions means you can start to feel better now, and be armed with a strategy to follow that ensures your progress. You'll always know where you stand and what to expect. 


My unwavering support and devotion to your path. You are not alone on this journey. My Private Energy Sessions include unlimited support via email and What's app during our time together, so I am only one 'press send' away when you need it. 


Private Energy Sessions for
Land and Property.

Luxury Kitchen

If you are looking to bring harmony and vitality to your home, find the perfect buyers/tenants for your property, or reach completion of your project with genuine ease then a Private Energy Session for Land and Property is for you.

Private Energy Session for Business.

Pink Blouse

This session communicates directly with the soul of your business to access practical and strategic guidance for growth, and highlights both the practical and magnetic factors for your ultimate success.​

Through Olivia's gentle approach I have found relief from chronic digestive issues, healed intense heartbreak and gained clarity on my next best steps in life. Thank you Olivia for your continued support. I highly recommend her services.

Nicole Currie, Refresh Holistic

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NEW: The Healing Portal

Join me on an experiential journey of self discovery and empowerment, as I share the insights and strategies derived from my years in service as an Energy Practitioner, Medical Intuitive and Spiritual Mentor.

The Healing Portal is the ultimate self healer's roadmap - guiding you to regain control of your journey by unlocking your own specific wellbeing blueprint and the methods best suited for YOU to truly heal.





What are the benefits of energy healing?
Energy healing offers a wide range of benefits, including stress reduction, pain relief, improved emotional well-being, enhanced vitality, and a deeper sense of spiritual connection. It can also promote overall physical and mental health.

How can energy healing help with stress and anxiety?
Energy healing can help reduce stress and anxiety by releasing pent-up energy blockages and promoting relaxation. It often induces a deep state of calm, allowing the body to naturally alleviate stress and anxiety symptoms.


Is energy healing suitable for physical pain and ailments?

Yes, energy healing can be effective for physical pain and ailments. By restoring the body's energy balance, it can help reduce pain, accelerate the healing process, and improve overall physical health.


Can energy healing be done remotely? 

Energy healing can be performed both in-person and remotely. Distance healing sessions are equally effective as in-person sessions, as energy transcends physical boundaries.

Do you offer in-person healing sessions?
Yes. In-person sessions are available upon request in Melbourne, Australia. On-site sessions are also available within Australia and internationally by application.  


How many energy healing sessions are typically required to see results?

The number of sessions needed varies depending on the individual and their specific concerns. Generally, my clients experience results after one session. 


Is energy healing safe, and are there any side effects?

Energy healing is generally safe and non-invasive, with no known harmful side effects. 

Do I need to believe in energy healing or be religious for it to work?

Belief in energy healing or religion is not a requirement for it to be effective. The healing energy works independently of one's faith, but an open and receptive mindset can enhance the experience.


Can energy healing be combined with other healing modalities?
Yes, however I suggest leaving other modalities for 5-7 days after your healing to allow the energy to integrate. 


You have mentioned partnering with allied health professionals.
Do I need a referral?

My referrals come by word of mouth - by introduction through current clients, medical patients, or treating practitioners. You are welcome to book with me directly.


I am currently taking medication. Will energy healing impact this?
Energy healing is safe with all medications, as this modality works within the biofield. I highly recommend to remain consulting with your treating practitioner during our time together.

Can energy healing help with spiritual growth and self-discovery?

Yes, energy healing can be a powerful tool for spiritual growth and self-discovery. Through energy healing sessions, individuals often experience a deeper connection to their inner selves and a heightened awareness of their spiritual path. 


Do you offer payment plans?
It is important that you are not financially stressed when working with, so I have created payment plans for these services. Please contact us to discuss your requirements.


Helpful Healing Articles.

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