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Living in the Shadows: Finding Hope and Healing on the Path of Undiagnosis.


When it comes to healthcare, we often trust in the power of modern medicine to diagnose and treat our ailments. But what happens when the path to healing is shrouded in uncertainty?

For many individuals, the journey of undiagnosis can be a lonely and harrowing road. Confronted with inconclusive medical tests and persistent symptoms, they often find themselves feeling lost, anxious, and powerless.

When reviewing my case file data earlier this year, I discovered that close to 80% of my clients were navigating undiagnosis to some degree when first presenting for assistance.

Undiagnosis: when a physician is unable to find a diagnosis for certain characteristics or symptoms.

In this blog post, I will delve deep into the world of undiagnosis, exploring the importance of effective communication, understanding the negative impacts, and acknowledging the extensive tolls associated with this challenging journey.

I'll share a personal story of resilience and growth, shed light on the varying stages of undiagnosis, and discuss the methods used to instigate ease, improvement and healing.

The Limits of Modern Medicine

The journey of undiagnosis often begins with an onset of symptoms which lead to medical testing, each one yielding inconclusive or neutral results. It can be a torturous waiting game, where anxiety and physical discomfort become constant companions.

At times, patients feel isolated and dismissed by their healthcare practitioners, being labelled as anomalies or even hypochondriacs. However, it's essential to understand that even in the age of advanced medicine, there can be inherent limitations when it comes to finding answers.

Not only are new and rare diseases presenting at rapid rates, they require specialised and advanced testing before they can be diagnosed (if at all). This may mean inventing new technologies capable of these investigations first, which also creates time and accessibility restraints.

The suggested time for undiagnosis is between 1-5 years, with some cases never completing. So it is crucial that the appropriate measures and support are introduced at the onset to help reduce the impacts of undiagnosis on patients and their families.

As a medical intuitive, I've had the privilege of working with numerous patients who grapple with undiagnosed symptoms. These individuals face escalating stress, anxiety and physical pain that had lead them to suffer isolation and debilitation.

Thankfully, we live in a time where science has begun to validate alternative and complimentary therapies. And I have seen this professionally when partnering with allied health professionals, as well as having top surgeons, specialists, scientists and researchers as clients.

So although the medical system can leave patients feeling disheartened, there is hope. The power of medical intuition and energy healing can provide a unique path and insightful accompaniment to resolution and recovery.


The First Point of Call: Effective Communication.

One of the critical aspects of the undiagnosis journey is effective communication with healthcare practitioners. Patients often find themselves in the challenging position of having to justify their symptoms repeatedly, and are often labelled with mental health disorders, which only adds to their emotional distress.

Patients can bridge the gap between themselves and their practitioners by openly sharing their unique stories. Effective communication is vital in allowing healthcare providers to grasp the emotional toll of living with undiagnosis, and the urgency of addressing worsening symptoms.

This level of communication is not only essential for securing a correct diagnosis but also for building a supportive and trusting relationship with treating practitioners. It enables them to gain insights into the unique circumstances of each patient, ensuring a more holistic approach to care.

The Negative Impacts of Undiagnosis.

Undiagnosis casts a long shadow, affecting not only patients but their loved ones as well. This challenging journey can lead to:

  1. Feeling the Need to Justify Symptoms: The need to continually prove symptoms in order to be believed by healthcare professionals can be emotionally draining and isolating. Patients often find themselves trapped in a cycle of seeking validation just to get the help and support they need.

  2. Worry About Overlooking a Child's Care: Parents especially, may grapple with the fear that something crucial is being overlooked in their child's care. Advocating for an undiagnosed child can be overwhelming. Parents are often left suffering anxiety about their child’s improvement and the future of their wellbeing.

  3. Exhaustion from Adjusting to a New Normal: Undiagnosis frequently forces individuals to adapt to a "new normal" that includes living with ongoing symptoms and limitations. This adjustment can be physically and emotionally exhausting, and is often cited by treating professionals when no further testing can be offered.

  4. Seeking Clarity Around Primary Needs: Patients need clarity regarding their primary needs and how these needs will be met. This includes deciding on how their practitioner can better support them and actively engage in their diagnostic journey. None of this is possible with the destabilising effects of undiagnosis.

  5. The Stress and Cost of Multiple Consultations: The stress and financial burden of attending numerous consultations and examinations can be substantial. The pursuit of a diagnosis can lead to increasing expenses such as financial, emotional and social.

The Extensive Medical, Psychological and Financial Costs.

Undiagnosis is not just a personal challenge; it comes with extensive medical, psychological and financial costs. Seeking a diagnosis, treatment, and the right support over months or even years can take a severe toll.

Patients may endure a series of medical tests, consultations and therapies, each contributing to the financial burden. The psychological impact can lead to stress, anxiety, and depression, and the uncertainty about the future can weigh heavily on the minds of both patients and their families.

Another cost I wanted to include here is social. When patients are financially and emotionally distressed, additionally to trying to manage their symptoms and the anxiety that comes with undiagnosis, their social aspects are depleted too. The lessening of social connection and activity leaves patients feeling abandoned and very lonely.

Recent studies have shown that the impact of suffering loneliness may reduce a person’s life by up to 15 years. The loneliness and isolation for patients living with undiagnosis only increases their susceptibility to a lesser quality and length of life.

A Personal Journey of Resilience.

Undiagnosis is a path that often feels isolating and overwhelming, but there is hope. I can personally attest to this, having navigated these turbulent waters personally.

At the age of 40, I woke to debilitating migraines and persistent blurred vision that lasted for months. The fear of a brain tumour, influenced by the experiences of close relatives, consumed me day and night.

Medical tests were conducted, and my anxiety mounted. I anxiously awaited to attend my follow-up appointment, hoping for answers. But to my dismay, all of the the test results were either negative or inconclusive.

I was sent home without referrals for further investigation. The initial relief at not having a definitive diagnosis soon turned to despair as my symptoms persisted. The fear of the unknown gnawed at me, and I soon spiralled into panic and a sense of powerlessness.

I felt isolated and lost trust in my body. Anxiety robbed me of my income and my appetite, which only compounded my sense of depletion and helplessness. I couldn’t work in my skin care business, drive my car or care for my family as I typically would.

But one fateful night, a moment of clarity broke through the darkness, and I decided to navigate my way through this turmoil. I needed to somehow get my power back. I started to feel an inner strength building, and my next best steps became clear.

This calling marked the turning point in my journey, as I focused on my immediate needs, engaged support and made the necessary changes to replenish and keep on going.

Stages of Undiagnosis: A roller-coaster ride of emotions.

My journey through undiagnosis was marked by distinct, roller-coaster-style stages of healing.

These stages have also been congruent with my clients, although seem to not occur in any particular order, and can change depending on the emotional state of the patient.

1. Expecting Recovery.

Initially, I hoped for prompt resolution and to return to my previous, perfect state of health. However the ongoing uncertainty and relentlessness of my symptoms led to gradually make peace with my situation. There were moments of temporary relief, infused with the fear and frustration of just wanting answers or reprieve.

2. Suffering Loss.

This stage was marked by confusion, suffering and feeling a loss of control. I grappled with fear and uncertainty about the future, unable to make plans or see a way forward. I was a self employed single parent at the time, so financial loss was a part of it. I also mourned the way I was used to living before my health crisis.

3: Unexpected Positivity.

As I navigated the darkest corners of my journey, a transformation occurred. I took control of my health and became an advocate for myself. I identified new strengths and focused on the aspects in my life that I did have control over. I changed my routine to work in with my symptoms, and increased the actions that helped me to rest and feel replenished.


The Transformation through Undiagnosis.

Undiagnosis became the catalyst for the work I'm privileged to do today. It was during my health crisis that my spiritual and healing gifts awakened. I was called into a greater purpose, and now I have the privilege of assisting others on their path to deeper healing.

My passion for this work is unwavering because I know what it is like to feel powerless and depleted. Undiagnosis doesn't have to be a life destroyer. With the right tools and support, this challenging journey can truly be a life enhancer.

Strategies for Healing

As you navigate your own journey through undiagnosis, I want you to consider

these helpful strategies as part of your self care plan:

  1. Embrace Effective Communication: Share your story openly with your treating professionals. It's essential to bridge the gap between patient and practitioner by effectively communicating your unique circumstances and the emotional impact of undiagnosis for you personally. Remember, compassion drives action.

  2. Engage Support: Don't face undiagnosis alone. Reach out to loved ones and friends. Take time to clarify your needs and then invite your people to step up. Connect with practitioners who can provide emotional, physical and psychological support during this difficult time.

  3. Increase Your Healing Potentials: Make the necessary changes in your daily life that conserve your energy and that feel replenishing. Get more sleep, find time to rest, increase your water intake, eat well, find joy where you can and get out into nature if possible.

  4. Advocate for Yourself: Be an advocate for your own health. Don't hesitate to seek second opinions or request further testing if you believe it's necessary. You know your body best, so trust your intuition and communicate your needs to those who are in a position to help.

  5. Build a Wellbeing Team: Once you are aware of your primary needs, invite your GP to help build a team of other practitioners and allied health professionals that can be a part of your journey. Ask for referrals, find alternative therapists and remember, you get to choose who you work with on this journey.

  6. Surrender to Your Experience: Rather than fighting against your situation, which will only escalate your symptoms and deplete you further, find ways to make peace with where you are. This in no way means giving up. When your mind and body feel peaceful, you’ll make far more progress than when you are stressed and contracted.

  7. Manage Stress: Explore stress management techniques such as meditation, yoga, breath work, gentle movement and mindful practice to alleviate the emotional toll of undiagnosis. Find ways to be more present in the moment and bring your mind back to thoughts that align with your goals.


Some Tips For Working With Your Doctor... It is important to keep seeing your doctor for regular check ups and monitoring of your symptoms. This also gives your treating practitioner opportunity to uncover more clues or become aware of new information that may lead to diagnosis and/or resolution.

Sometimes rare or mysterious symptoms require specialist attention. These particular specialist doctors have access to the latest technologies, equipment and health teams. Ask for your doctor to refer you to your local university or major hospital for further investigation. Elimination is just as powerful as diagnosis.

I highly recommend keeping copies of your medical records and making them accessible at all times. You never know when you'll be asked for updates.

The Journey of Hope and Healing.

Amidst the darkness of undiagnosis, it is possible that through effective communication, obtaining the right level of support and caring for yourself more adequately, we can pave a path to healing and resolution.

Energy healing and medical intuition offer a unique approach to healing, by providing unique insights and unlocking the potential for both recovery and lasting transformation. There are many and varied answers for your unique circumstances.

You are not alone on this journey, and there is light at the end of the tunnel. The world of undiagnosis is complex and challenging, but it's a path that can lead to profound personal healing and spiritual growth, if you’ll let it.


Working With Me.

Over the past 6 years, I have worked both privately and in shared-care with medical practitioners and specialist doctors to achieve improvement for their patients.

If you would like to know more about working with me, or to start the process, please get in touch via the contact page or the little chat box located in the bottom right hand corner of this site.

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